Holly Shaw got her first agent when she was 12 years old and has spent a lifetime in film, T.V. and on professional stages all over the world as an actor, dancer, and speaker. Now she shares her passion for the problems that artists face as a Certified Hypnotherapist and has helped hundreds of artists, from Emmy award winning and Grammy nominated artists to world class choreographers overcome their stage fright, impostor syndrome, and creative blocks so that they can create original work and totally kill it onstage again and again without feeling like they're selling out or losing their sanity. Her book, The Creative Formula: Compose, Choreograph, and Capture Your Masterpiece has become an Amazon bestseller.  

Nowadays she hosts the Performers & Creators Lab which was named one of 2019 Best Podcasts by Databird Research.  In her spare time, she writes and performs stand-up comedy on a quest for a light-worker worthy message inside dirty jokes. Find more at www.performersandcreatorslab.com

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Stu Zimmerman