Michele Risa, M.A., C.B.C.A.

As CEO & Founder of Collaborative Solutions, Inc. and President of the Manhattan Holistic Chamber of Commerce, Michele works with thought leaders to help them identify their deepest aspirations.

An internationally certified Conscious Business Change Agent (C.B.C.A.), she helps CEOs embody consciousness in such a way that they become natural change agents in a world that needs their talents, hearts and minds.    

Michele hosts a popular global meditation on Conscious Business Innerprise. She contributed to the award-winning book, Conscious Entrepreneurs: A Radical New Approach to Purpose Passion & Profit and is a frequent speaker on radio, podcast and TEDx.  Since 1998, she has produced her own cable TV show, interviewing successful conscious thought leaders to inspire others.

Known as America’s Mindfulness Expert, Michele has studied with Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Jean Houston, Ken Wilber and Kundalini Master Yogi Bhajan, among many others. Michele holds a M.A. in Psychology from Columbia University. 

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Nick Anderson